Thursday, June 2, 2022

Other teams arrived last night, the Thursday clinic and Worship at Little Daughters

 I heard some commotion in the hall around 12:45am last night and lo and behold!  It was Pat Ficke and her team.  They looked about as weary as we did when we arrived.  It was great to see her, I seem to run into her in Kenya more than I do in Austin!

We breakfasted with the other teams and then headed into the clinic, hoping our momentum would continue.It did, we saw 522 patients and we are now at 74 cataract surgeries and holding.  The clinic was as smooth as ever, with one exception.  It got cloudy and very dark inside and the eyechart exam just wouldn't work well.  We had to move the eye chart outside to a different location and by afternoon it was in the sun, so we had to rotate volunteers in and out of there.  Also, our aging autorefractors are not holding a charge on their batteries very well, but with us using more and more negative readers (reading glasses designed for distance vision), I think this technology may be unnecessary soon.

We got home, freshened up quickly and then were led in worship by my good friend Isaac from the Lutheran Hour Ministries (called Nuru or Light here) and a children's dance group from Waithaka.  It's always a blessing to see old friends and wide-eyed newcomers at these first worship events.  We had dinner and then my team got down to the business of packing for our weekend safari trip to Amboseli, a world famous game park on the Tanzanian border.  We will be taking a high speed train for about an hour and a half and then our drivers will meet us with our vehicles for the rest of the journey.  They will be taking our luggage, so we need to separate out what we need for the weekend from what is coming home to Texas with us next Tuesday night.  My room is a disaster, with team stuff, personal stuff, camera and laptop gear to sort out.  A good problem to have!  Been a long day, need to move on to other things.  Blessings everybody!


  1. Glad to see you cross Amboseli off your National Parks list.

  2. Sounds like another productive day..
