Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sunday worship and more

We all had a pretty good night's sleep. In the early days of the project I must have worried more. It was at least Monday night before I slept soundly. Having an exhausting Saturday is a good plan. 
We had breakfast with the other teams that were heading out today and wished them well. We boarded our 14 passenger van and arrived at the Waithaka church in time to greet old friends before we worshiped together.  Our friend Immanuel led the service. There were several adult and youth choirs as well as dancers. Every number was also choreographed beautifully. The sermon was on Jesus's High Priestly Prayer in John Chapter 17 and how it applies to us today. I took a number of pictures which will probably have to wait until I return home due to our connection issues this time around. 
We scouted out the clinic site which has changed dramatically since I last saw it in 2019. A building and a wall are in an area where we had a large 50 person tent and two smaller ones for evangelism. We are literally going to use the community center backwards from our earlier clinics.
We had lunch at a nice western style restaurant and everyone seemed to like the food. We hit a grocery store in the same mall for snacks, water and clinic essentials like hand sanitizer and paper towels. We got back to Little Daughters about 4 pm and relaxed until dinner at 7.
It was a good meal of chicken,  mashed potatoes, green beans, pumpkin soup followed by watermelon for dessert.  I led a brief devotion and we went over the clinic layout we will start with. We said goodnight at 8 and the bed is not far off. Goodnight everyone!


  1. Hey Dave! I’m glad y’all made it safely there and that you had a good Sunday with friends. Thanks for writing about your trip.

  2. Fascinating stories and pictures..

  3. Dave really enjoying your stories and pictures from your amazing trip..

  4. Prayers continue. As you are a blessing to others may you be enriched and empowered on your amazing journey.
