Friday, June 2, 2023

We finish with a bang!

The clinic was busy from start to finish today.  For the second day in a row we ran out of registration cards and had to make some from notebook paper again. We got a box of 600 cards sent to us via Uber before 8 am, but it wasn't enough as we ended our day having seen 634 patients. 
Ken with a precious little one.

There were many more good moments. A 75 year old woman had me pray for a miracle for her vision which was in decline.  I saw no sign of a cataract in either eye. Her daughter was with her a d they told me she would take her to visit shut-ins and others and encourage them with her faith. She rattled off whole sections of Scripture as we talked from memory.  I told her I thought I was a Christian until I met her. She saw our doctors and was told she had wet macula degeneration and there was no hope. I saw her outside the clinic and she told me to bring her a miracle next year. What joy she has! I prayed over her again before she left and she encouraged me to stay strong.  Wow, just wow. Thank you Jesus!
The last person to be served by the clinic was a Muslim man dressed in all white. We had already closed the registration,  but I personally shepherded him along. He was so thankful when we got done. He was happy with the care and respect he was accorded. I told him all patients from the first one Monday until him were treated the same, regardless of faith. I know our clinic has made the neighborhood aware of what a great church Springs of Life is and am proud our team was part of that.

Packing up now. We have an early morning safari, lunch and a tour of the Giraffe Centre tomorrow before returning to Little Daughters to freshen up before the long travel. We fly out around 11 p. Saturday local time and arrive back at Austin around 4 pm Sunday, gaining 8 hours in the process.  Keep us in your prayers because Heathrow may be on strike when we get there.  Stay tuned,  more stories as I am able! Blessings!


  1. Safe travels! Don

  2. Smooth on time fliymy friends. 🙏 & Thank you
