Sunday, May 28, 2023

Back to Nairobi and worship in Kibera

We arrived for the breakfast buffet and both had the chef prepare omelets for us. There was a Argentina selection of fruit, breads, sausages (chicken or beef) and complementary coffee and juice. We dropped off our keys and were on our way at 630. We made good time and were able to stop at Little Daughters to freshen up. My luggage had arrived but I only had time to get a room and stow my stuff since my suitcase was literally encapsulated in plastic. We still are waiting for 2 pieces of luggage. We quickly drove across town to Springs of Life Lutheran Church to worship where we are going to be serving. 
                One of the many choirs 
The service was officiated by Bishop Bakari Kea and Evangelist Thomas Okello. There were many dear friends in the congregation today including Sylvester Opiyo and Emmanuel Mungami. It was Pentecost and the Holy Spirit blessed the service, music and preaching.  Before I knew it,  church was over. It had been three and a half hours of beautiful praise.
Our friends in Kibera had seen that Redeemer prayed over us as we were sent and after Elizabeth and I greeted the congregation, the Bishop received us with a powerful prayer. After church, I met with the Elders and showed them my desired layout for the clinic. We will arrive early tomorrow to tune things up. 

We had a late lunch with Catherine before going back to Little Daughters for naps. Catherine picked us up to shop for clinic supplies and returned us in time for a light dinner. 

We arranged for a 6:30 breakfast tomorrow so we can get an early start and get the clinic setup. Typically, we are up and running by 9:30 or so and there will be kinks to work out. By noon on Tuesday,  clinics are beginning to run very smoothly.  It just takes some patience and training,  particularly in another culture.

That's it for now. Any pictures during this week will probably be unedited and I'll come back with better versions after this trip. Blessings everyone!


  1. Thanks for your great stories of the trip

  2. Thanks for the update and blessings on your outreach.
