Thursday, May 1, 2014

5-1-2014 Thursday evening before bed, what a day!

We were able to get some good Starbucks type coffee at Java House on our way to the clinic this morning, what a nice change of pace from Nescafe.  Because of the May Day holiday, traffic was even less than the lighter than usual traffic of the school break had been so far.  Pastor James led a devotion after a nice song was sung by all and we got to work right away.  Once again, we only had around 250 patients by noon.  This time, I didn’t doubt God’s power to finish out the day and when He was done, we had served 577 patients.  Our grand total for the week is now over 2100 people who have been helped with vision problems and all have been prayed over individually and given a Gospel presentation. 

I have just returned with Howard and Martha from Catherine’s mother’s house for dinner.  Her brother, his wife, a daughter and a granddaughter were there and our driver Stephen joined us also.  The food was marvelous, with chapatti bread, spinach, a dish made from potatoes and peas about the consistency of mashed potatoes and greenish in color, some meat, green beans, rice and some other dishes.  It was serve yourself and we ate very well.  The only thing better than the meal was the fellowship.  A good time was had by all and our exhausted crew ended the night with me being asked to pray for Mama’s health concerns and for the group as a whole.  Afterwards, Mama finished the night off with a beautiful prayer in Swahili.  Even though we didn’t understand much of it, it was very powerful and it had an exquisite rhythm to it.  She is truly a woman of God.  Catherine later told us it was a sweet prayer beyond all measure.  What a special way to end a perfect evening!
The rest of the team went to the Junction Mall next to Rosa Mystica for dinner and some shopping with the exception of Jane.  She had eaten a big lunch late in the afternoon with the volunteers, a special treat indeed.  The Holy Spirit had also used her in a mighty way as she witnessed to many people in every situation she was in.  An unchurched man came to Jesus as his Lord and Savior during her time with him and she was on Cloud 9 after that.  I'm sure God moved in many more situations during the day among us, this is just one special one that I'm aware of.  What a blessing.
It’s been a long day and we have a very full one tomorrow, first running the clinic, then deciding when to shut down so that we see as many patients as possible while still allowing us to pack up all of our supplies and equipment, have an awards ceremony for our volunteers and still leave in time for Merrilee to be ready to leave our lodgings for the airport at 7pm for her flight to London and then back to the U.S. for her grandson's Confirmation this coming Sunday.  We will be on a safari Saturday morning at the local game park, will have a nice lunch and do some shopping and then will gather the teams up at Little Sisters (Daughters?, we keep hearing it both ways) of St. Joseph prior to our heading to the airport as a group.  More reports to follow as I have the time and Internet access.  Lights out!  I need some rest… Thank you, Jesus!

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