Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday clinic was biggest yet - 603 patients were served

 Amanda, Arron, Sarah and Catherine went out to the school in Kongasis today, it was such a blessing to us last Friday that we just had to let our educators and media guy experience it for themselves. We ran the clinic with 4 of us supervising our local volunteers.  They are doing very well at each of the stations, so our job now is to troubleshoot any issues and do what we can to keep things moving smoothly.

When we arrived, it had been raining and our tents were just being erected.  As they went up, the 150 people or so who were already waiting scrambled to take shelter in them, causing the start of the day to be anything but easy.  Our registration people gave each patient a number to use to claim a spot in line when the process could begin, but others kept arriving, so we had two lines forming, one with newcomers and ones with people who had preceded them coming from the tents.  It took until about noon before things got straightened out, we won't let that happen again! Here's what it looked like then:

I am expecting a large crowd again tomorrow, our last full day at the clinic.  Friday will be a half day as the team flies out Friday night and will need time to freshen up before heading to the airport.  Amanda, Sarah and Kevin will be back just in time for our big VBS at Redeemer for several hundred kids, glad I'm not doing that with jetlag!  They are looking forward to it, it's a very special ministry.

That's about it for now, need to get some rest before doing it again tomorrow!  Blessings!

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